Wednesday, November 18, 2009

High School Cliques and Sterotypes

There are good and bad cliques. Sometimes people in high school judge people by what the wear and not who the really are. There is so many in high school across the country and maybe the world even.

Were/are you a jock or a prep or a nerd or any other?

In high school people are constantly being judged on what the wear or how the look or what the like to do in their free time.

To learn more about the differnt cliques go to the following website.

This website will also be hyperlinked.


  1. I think that high school cliques are not only a huge part of high schools in America, but also a huge problem in America as well. I think that if the hurt feelings from ridicule by other cliques bubble and boil underneath the surface, thoughts will begin to rot and grow sour in our youths' minds, and eventually, these thoughts can lead to a drop in self esteem, depression, and even suicidal feelings. Kudos to you, blog writer, for uncovering one of many problems in American high school society.

  2. I like the idea because the problem is very big and i completely agree with Stephanie.


  4. Check out my other blog...

  5. Even though others won’t agree I think there are Cliques everywhere but sometimes people don’t see them since they are in them.

  6. Cliques in high school are just more stupid ways to stereotype people. I don't understand because of like how someone dresses and stuff can classify who their friends with and how their personality is.

  7. good blog. this one of the hugest problem of teenagers` social life. and i can say that it`s not only in U.S, but also in Europe.

  8. You have a very interesting blog. Many people can relate to your topic.

  9. This is one of the biggest problems of a teen's life. but people judge others without even realizing it. Besides, Cliques aren't necessarily a bad thing. The group you are with is just your friends.

  10. I have to say that I am very proud of my clique status in high school - it was - none. I mean, I suppose some people would argue that I was with one group or another, but I really did not identify myself with one specifically.

    I was very involved in all sorts of activities, whether I was good at them or not. I just loved (and still do) trying new things and seeing what I am capable of. I really like when I see old friends from different cliques and feel comfortable talking with them.

    I tip to all you high school students ... just be friendly and get involved ... make the most out of these years!!!!! You define who you are.

  11. good topic, i think there are cliques in every single high school

  12. I think that some people just need to get over them selfs, get a life and stop talking about people! Its not their business!

  13. i reallly like your blog i think you did a goood job :)

  14. i don't think that just because you hang out with certain people makes you a clique it's just who you are most comfortable with and can be yourself around. i don't think it's really a problem.

  15. i agree with mr. turton. your friends shouldn't define you.

  16. I think that cliques in High School is a major problem. I don't think people should classify themselves or others.

  17. Well the people you hang shouldn't define you but people shouldn't stereotype and should get out of their comfort zone and meet different people

  18. I agree too. Kids are very mean now a days, so i can see a lot of people judging others.

  19. It's sad that people are first judged on appearence. Yes you see a person before you talk to them but that doesn't mean you should make your final judgement on just that. "Don't judge a book bt it's cover". Everyone has heard this saying at least once in their lives and people still don't even think to follow it. Cliques are another thing, they are groups that can judge another person or another clique. This can be in some cases bad. It can start dramas and end in arguments and fights. People should be more open minded to others and not judge right away.
